When you decide to relocate, stay prepared to face surprises at every stage. For sure, some items may be more difficult to pack and move than the rest. Besides, you may worry a little too much about some of your precious items like glass articles and artwork pieces. Most of the furniture pieces are also delicate and require careful handling. An area rug for one thing is an item that you must protect during a move, especially the expensive ones. So, if you have a couple of those authentic Persian rugs in the collection, you have to know a thing or two before packing. Why don’t you ask some of the movers Raleigh NC for suggestions when packing the carpets? You may come across some tips that may be of great help. Here is to a great rug packing experience during relocation.
- Are the rugs good for moving?
Before you get into the act of packing the carpets, one of the crucial questions to ask yourself is whether they are worth moving at all. There is no denying that moving the small area covers may be of no use and add to your packing woes. But the expensive ones are the ones that may make you emotional. Try to check whether the floor cover is only a couple of years old. Do the old items hold the same quality? If any of the carpets are those that you got as a gift from your loved ones, they may have good sentimental value. If none of them align with the questions above and are genuinely old, you may dispose of them as well.
- Cleaning the rugs
Don’t make the mistake of packing the floor covers and loading them in the moving van. Ask the reputed apartment moving companies like College Dudes Help U Move and they will recommend that the carpet be cleaned before transportation. While vacuum cleaning makes them free from dirt, mud, pests, and dust, it will hardly suffice. You must follow it with a deep cleaning to remove the stubborn dirt like trapped food particles and pet dander. Once cleaned, try to place it outside and let it bask in the sun, but not for long. You are now ready to pack the clean carpet.
- Get Assistance for large area rugs
You may go the DIY way to pack and load the carpets but getting some assistance from the experts makes it easy. So, you can get an additional hand for packing the large and weighty area rugs and manage the smaller ones yourself. If you are into packing them the first time, ask some of your friends or co-workers who have handled these tasks before. It will help you get a better hang of the nuances of packing the carpets.
- Determining the direction of the fibers
The fibers of the carpet move in a specific direction and you have got to feel it yourself. Just rub your palms over the item and feel if they move smoothly. If you face some kind of resistance, the nap will move in the opposite direction. You need to roll the carpet keeping in mind the direction of the fibers.
- Turning it both ways
Are you all set to roll the carpet and make it ready for shipping? Not as yet. It’s time you roll it on both sides with the nap facing the floor. This is crucial to protect the back of the item. The not-so-expensive floor covers usually have hard packs and are prone to cracking. So, rolling it right enhances the longevity of the item.
Once you flip the floor cover, try rolling it tightly but take care not to fold it. Rolling the item keeps the fibers stay in shape. Try to look for some good apartment movers near me to help you roll the rug and ensure that every corner and part stays tight and secure. The experts are into it day and night, so they might roll the items with better techniques.
- Do not place anything on the rug
Packing the carpet often turns haphazard. But you must not place any item on top of it. The floor covers are to be kept in upright positions in the moving van to prevent items from crushing or damaging.
- Avoid wrapping the item in plastic
A plastic covering for the floor cover may seem right to protect it from dirt, dust, and insects during transit. True, it will keep the carpet safe. But the downside is that it does not allow the moisture to escape and promotes the growth of mold and mildew.
Unpack the rug:
Once your item reaches its destination, place it in any of the rooms of your new home. But remove the packing materials at first and keep the floor clean before placing your favorite thing. You are going to feel a lot of relief on seeing your favorite item in the best shape.